Friday, October 9, 2015

ÖNORM EN 350-2 and Austrian standards

There are eco standards in Austria. Yes, I have never heard about something like that in Slovakia. I think this could be an interesting topic to investigate for a while. Especially general WHY it is needed and HOW it is implemented into practical use.
For example, at the title mentioned ONORM EN 350-2, it considering "Durability of wood and wood-based products - Natural durability of solid wood"[1]

This standard is applied to the natural durability of solid wood for selected types of wood, especially in the European countries, used for designing purposes. Durability is considered against wood destroying fungi, dry wood destroying insects etc. Norm says, that the lack of certain type of wood for construction, does not mean that this wood is not suitable for an application. It could be caused by insufficient data to classify it. This Austrian Standard basically gives a comparison of unknown types of wood with well known ones. [2]

more in german...

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