Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Discussion and Conclusion difference (ChatGPT)

In a dissertation or any academic paper, the discussion and conclusion are distinct sections that serve different purposes.

More question are answered also here: https://www.scribbr.com/frequently-asked-questions/discussion-vs-conclusion/

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Paragraph - dôsledky, nasledky, limitacie

Vyzdvihnutie dôsledkov alebo obmedzení v komentárskej časti odseku zahŕňa diskusiu o možných dôsledkoch, účinkoch alebo obmedzeniach súvisiacich s témou alebo informáciami uvedenými v odseku. Tento postup sa bežne používa v akademickom a odbornom písaní na poskytnutie uceleného a vyváženého pohľadu na danú tému. Riešenie dôsledkov a obmedzení pomáha čitateľom pochopiť širší kontext a potenciálne problémy spojené s diskutovanými myšlienkami alebo zisteniami.

Citation (chatGPT)

Citing a research source means acknowledging and referencing the original work from which you have obtained information, ideas, data, or findings that you use in your own work. Proper citation is essential for giving credit to the original authors or researchers and for allowing readers to locate and verify the sources you have consulted. Citing sources also demonstrates your commitment to academic integrity and ethical scholarship.

Citing a research source can involve both literal transcription and interpretation, depending on how you use the information from the source:

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Physiological effects on human


Physiological effects on humans refer to the changes and responses that occur within the body as a result of various internal and external factors. These effects can encompass a wide range of bodily functions and systems, including the nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system, and more. Physiological effects can be influenced by factors such as emotions, environmental conditions, medical treatments, physical activity, and substances ingested. Here are some examples of physiological effects on humans:

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Raw vs. Engineered materials

Raw materials and engineered materials are not necessarily opposites, but they represent different stages in the process of material production and use.

what role plays terpens in wood and trees GPT3.5

Terpenes are a class of naturally occurring organic compounds found in a variety of plants, including trees and wood. They play important roles in the physiology, growth, and defense mechanisms of trees. Here's how terpenes contribute to the properties and functions of wood and trees: